I know there are state laws on cannabis, but why aren’t all cities alike?

I couldn’t see Albuquerque changing anything since the state was quite generous with most of their rules.

New Mexico has some pretty loose laws about cannabis. That doesn’t mean that all of New Mexico has loose laws. They have left it to the cities to also have additional laws. I couldn’t find any information on what Albuquerque was going to do with their own change in marijuana laws, but personally I didn’t care. I was talking to a friend who lives in Colorado. He was telling me how much crime has changed since they passed laws to legalize marijuana. He said they thought it would help to prevent the sale of illegal marijuana. Everyone would be buying something they knew was pure and with no harmful additives. Instead, they had more black market marijuana coming into the state, than they had ever had. I didn’t think this would happen in Albuquerque, but I couldn’t be sure. All I knew was that New Mexico had already made marijuana, both medical and recreational, legal in our state. I couldn’t see Albuquerque changing anything since the state was quite generous with most of their rules. I wasn’t on Albuquerque’s town council, but I knew some people who were, and I would find out when they had their meeting. As curious as I was about what would happen at the Albuquerque council meeting, I didn’t want to go. Every time I go, I open my mouth and someone eventually tells me to run for council since I liked trying to run it on my own. They don’t know me as well as they think I do, and that is why I don’t go to them very often.

Cannabis Albuquerque