The people I was with and I got lost on our way to Portland

The band played on till after midnight, but by the time Jack and I headed back home to Eugene, it was almost 1 in the afternoon

Jack and I went to a concert in Portland… Our number one alternative band was performing at the arena and we had tickets in the fifth row center, however the people I was with and I left our house in Eugene, OR at 4 in the afternoon. The people I was with and I knew traffic was going to be heavy in Salem, so we planned an extra hour just in case, and as soon as we got outside of Eugene, we stopped at a recreational marijuana dispensary that sells infused joints. There are only a few recreational marijuana dispensaries in Eugene and only one of those venues sells infused joints, however infused joints absolutely pack a punch and they taste great. They usually have 30 or 40% THC or higher, jack and I smoked an Infused joint on our way to the concert. As soon as we hit Salem, the traffic started to slow down. It took nearly an hour to drive from Salem to Portland and it only took an hour to drive from Eugene to Salem. The people I was with and I still arrived with plenty of time to spare, but both of us were sleepy from the long drive. The concert was an amazing show filled with lights and sounds. The band played on till after midnight, but by the time Jack and I headed back home to Eugene, it was almost 1 in the afternoon. The people I was with and I absolutely should have stayed at a hotel that night, but we didn’t have any cash left over after we made the choice to go to the dispensary and the concert. I spent every dollar in my pocket other than the thirty bucks I needed for gas.
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