Cannabis for a fresh lifestyle

Living in San Francisco, the weather is charming most of the time, but i like the ability to get outside in addition to pursue an active lifestyle.

I frequently ride our bicycle wherever I need to go.

I love to go for runs across the Golden Gate Bridge or down the twists in addition to turns of Lombard Street. I paddle our kayak along the coast, under the Golden Gate Bridge in addition to along the Marin Headlands in addition to back to Horseshoe Cove, however the route takes about three minutes in addition to is a unbelievable workout. I’ve found that cannabis is unbelievable for an energy boost prior to an hobby. I have our choice of dispensaries in San Francisco in addition to they offer a wide variety of options, vapes in addition to tinctures work undoubtedly well for consuming right before working out. They are both portable, discreet in addition to easy to consume, then a tincture or vape pen can fit right into our pocket in addition to don’t require any extra gear. They don’t create smells, smoke or mess. I usually select a hybrid with a nice balance of THC in addition to CBD. The THC helps to energize in addition to motivate while the CBD keeps the psychoactive effects under control; With both tinctures in addition to vapes, I get the benefit of quick onset of effects. It’s just enough to allow me to clear our head, better focus in addition to like a positive outlook; For any sore or stiff muscles I might end up with, I love to buy edibles in addition to topicals that are CBD dominant. The edibles have a delayed but more intensive in addition to long-lasting effect. The topicals can be applied directly to the affected area, cBD has proven to effectively treat inflammation in addition to pain.

Weed Delivery San Fransisco CA