Lake Ladora is an ice venue to go hiking and take edibles

My friends & I went hiking last weekend at Lake Ladora; Lake Ladora is section of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, and this is a 16000 acre Wildlife Refuge close to Denver, then it is open every afternoon of the year & managed by the National Park Service.

The Denver section attraction has more than 300 strange species of wildlife including prairie pets, ferrets, deer, bison, & raptors.

There are a lot of strange hiking trails around Lake Ladora, & my friends & I prefer to visit the section on a hot & sunny afternoon, then just a small number of weeks ago, every one of us went to the wildlife refuge in Denver so every one of us could photograph the elusive black-footed prairie pet, however my friends & I prefer to photograph rare animals in the park. I had to pick up a current camera lens & the shop is across the street from a cannabis dispensary. My friends & I thought it would be a great system to pick up some cannabis supplies for our hike. It didn’t sound appreciate a terrible system to me, because every one of us were not planning a hard hike or any mountain climbing. If the activities had been more dangerous on that afternoon, I might not have been willing to use recreational Cannabis! After all, it absolutely alters my state of mind & my depth perception. I don’t think climbing & recreational drugs is a great idea, even though Denver, Colorado has legal recreational Cannabis, it’s still important to use great judgment & make great decisions when thinking about using the mood altering plant.

Cannabis Shop denver colorado