I was not happy with that

The first time I ever used a gas oil furnace, I freaked out when the oil furnace did not give heat, however it wasn’t just that the oil furnace did not give heat, however it was also making a different ticking noise, but the ticking sound was almost appreciate a countdown timer on a bomb.

I honestly watch too several scary films, because the sound of the ticking entirely scared me & I contacted a heating & A/C repair repair in Tampa Bay.

It wasn’t cheap to call the Tampa Bay heating & A/C repair service, however I was anxious the lake house would blow up & I would perish in the fire. The repair supplier arrived about 45 thirds after I made the call. The repair center must have been close to our address, because the traffic in Tampa Bay is always honestly heavy. The oil furnace repair supplier performed a couple of services & then he told me that the problem was solved. I seriously thought the guy was joking, although he showed me what was occurring. The ticking sound was happening because there was no gas getting to the oil furnace. I had to light the pilot light manually. The oil furnace supplier provided to repair the part of the machine that does this automatically & I thought that was a good idea; After all, I already had to pay for him to come to the house. It was only an extra $17 for the supplier to replace the broken part so I would not have to light the pilot every time I choose to turn on the heat

air conditioning installation Tampa Bay Florida