Where can you find the best ganja in Denver?

By now you are absolutely getting sick and fatigued of hearing about my Youtube show! I call it the Wild and Wonderful World of Cannabis. In it, I travel to a current locale every episode, and test out their local strains. I have forty many episodes of the show online, and I humbly request you check them out! The first episode I ever did was not truly good, because I had no plan what I was doing at that point; Since that episode dealt with the amazing cannabis of Denver, CO, I decided it was high time to revisit the city and do it all over again, my goal was easy with this episode of the show – to find and smoke the best beach home grown cannabis available in the city of Denver… This was not as easy a task as you might think, because every weed dispensary in Denver claims to have the best stuff. I started my research online, pinpointing the names of a few local Denver strains that were legendary. With a list of names I started going to see every single cannabis shop in Denver, a single at a time, until I had all the names crossed off my list. In total there were more than six uncommon cannabis strains, each a single a Denver legend. I took my sweet time in examining them, judging them for color and smell, and then of course I smoked my way through all more than six cannabis strains… Easily the best of the more than six strains was a local blend called Denver Delight, which is ironically grown about many miles away from Denver.

Weed Denver CO