The Elgin heating company installed a nice radiant heater in the garage at work

I have been blessed to have a job that pays all of my bills and takes care of my family. Working as a vehicle mechanic has certainly come in handy at home too. I have the ability to fix our cars and trucks and that saves a lot of money. Most people have to take their vehicles to a repair shop when something is wrong, but I can simply look under the hood and determine the problem. The weather has been getting much colder and the garage is very large and spacious at work. It’s hard to keep the area warm, but the temperatures in Elgin are very cold during the winter months. Last year I had to wear gloves all day long and it was very difficult to work on repairs. The owner of the repair shop called an Elgin heating company this year and they installed a radiant heater in the garage at work. The Elgin heating company did the work at the shop at cost and the owner of the mechanic shop fixed the guy’s car for free. The Elgin heating company only took a whole day to install the radiant heater. The heater has a pretty significant output, especially when the button is toggled to the highest position. There is an intense blower on the heater as well. You can feel the heat on the other side of the garage. The Elgin heating company did a great job installing the machine and it should make the winter months a lot more bearable this year.

ductless ac service Elgin IL

They finally offer delivery in Portland

I had to make sure my bike was in great condition

I have gotten rid of my vehicle. There really was no need to have one in my city of Portland Oregon. I live centrally in the city and can walk or bike anywhere I want to. What is nice is that most businesses have gotten really good about delivery services. I can get my groceries delivered in bulk to my house. Produce, fresh cheese, meat and dairy all can be sent in the order. If I spend a certain amount, the delivery services are free. Most of the time I make the bike ride to the store and then just carry what I can in my bike basket. I can do online deposits for the bank and get my pharmacy products sent to my doorstep. The last thing that was holding out was my legal weed shop. The Oregon cannabis dispensary didn’t offer delivery for the longest time. It was the only errand that was sort of a pain for me. The bike ride was a long one and uphill. I had to be really determined if I wanted access to my cannabis products. Then I would be dead tired by the time I got home. I had to navigate around traffic and weather too. I had to make sure my bike was in great condition. Now that the dispensary offers delivery, there is no more worry. I never make that trip on my bike anymore. It is just too far and it is worth the 5 dollar charge to get my things sent to my doorstep.


Recreational Weed Store Portland OR

The shows in Las Vegas were worth the trip

I didn’t do a typical trip to Las Vegas.

I decided that I wanted to see it at least once in my lifetime.

So I contacted my family and asked if anyone wanted to go with me. My mother and grandmother were both interested in seeing Las Vegas, NV. With two older women, it wasn’t a typical Vegas showing. I didn’t want to take my grandmother to different casinos where they heavily drink and smoke inside. I didn’t want my mother to experience an all male strip club with me. So what I did instead was focus on the shows. Las Vegas has tons of wonderful shows to choose from. Did you know there is Cirque Du Soleil there? There are multiple ones too. You can do a Beatles theme, water theme and many more options. I booked us tickets one night to O which is the water based one. It was the best show I had ever seen in my life. I also got us tickets to the typical Vegas showgirl experience. The girls wore big red feathers on their heads and eventually danced topless. Obviously the nudity wasn’t what the group wanted, it was more for the glamor outfits. Another show we saw was Blue Man Group. That was surprisingly cool and well done. Basically the three of us ate great food, looked at the city sights and watched a lot of shows. I noticed there is recreational cannabis there. I found it funny that my mother and grandmother wanted to see a dispensary in person.


Pot Pick-up Las Vegas NV

As a kid I only saw the rural side of Illinois

As a kid I grew up on the Oregon coast, but I always spent my summer vacations in Illinois.

  • My parents had grown up in rural Illinois, and we still had a lot of family back there, so that’s where I was shipped off to when school was out of session.

My folks worked a lot, and didn’t want me spending the whole summer by myself around the house, so they put me on a bus to spend time with my family on the farm in Illinois. .Until I was a teenager I thought Illinois consisted entirely of farms, and had no idea there were any major cities. Where I was staying in Illinois was so remote we had to drive thirty minutes to find a gas station, and an hour to get to a movie theater. As an adult, I get to see the other side of Illinois, and I have to say I like it a lot more. Illinois is a state of vivid contrasts, and the metropolitan areas are as different from the countryside as night and day. Any population center in Illinois will have many forms of culture, cuisine, and of course cannabis. Call it the 3 C’s of Illinois! Is it any surprise Illinois is adept at growing amazing cannabis crops, given how long they have been farming this land? I have smoked a lot of weed in a lot of places, and would say that Illinois cannabis is as good as any exotic strain from around the world. I’m so glad I got off the farm and explored Illinois.

Cannabis Store Illinois

A mind-blowing cannabis cafe in Albuquerque

It was the kind of meal that was so good I cried the next day, because I knew I would never find anything else that good

As a food vlogger, I was beyond excited for a chance to visit Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have been a foodie for a long time, years before I started writing and recording my experiences with gourmet food. I have long heard stories about the obscure and hard-to-find restaurants hidden in the teeming metropolis of Albuquerque. Did you know that this city was so highly regarded for its cuisine? Albuquerque has always been a city of blended cultures, and the food scene represents that to this day. Albuquerque cuisine is a combination of Mexican, European, and Native American influences. My first two days in Albuquerque saw me eating meals in four different amazing places, but on day three the game was changed when I discovered the cannabis cafe. Albuquerque is as well known for its cannabis as for its food, and this little alcove located behind a dispensary blended those two things to masterful effect. This was my first time ever visiting a cannabis cafe, and I must admit it was a life-changing experience. The delightful flavors of New Mexico cruise collided with the potent umami taste profile of Albuquerque cannabis for a one-of-a-kind meal. It was the kind of meal that was so good I cried the next day, because I knew I would never find anything else that good. If you ever visit Albuquerque don’t restrict yourself to normal food, take a chance and visit this cannabis cafe, I promise you will not regret it. You can watch my vlog about it on my Youtube channel, link below in the comments.

Pot Pick-up Albuquerque NM

Memories of Las Angeles

I remember coming to the Los Angeles area in the mid 1970s. It was my first time here, and the only thing I remember clearly is the beach. At the time I was a surfer, and my pal Ed and I had been traveling down the coastline, trying to ride as many hot waves as we could find. By staying in Los Angeles we had easy access to a dozen different great beaches. For six weeks we rented a room in a hostel and spent every waking out on the sand, riding the surf! Back then there were no legal cannabis dispensaries in Los Angeles, but cannabis was still very easy to find! There was one beach bum who had a cooler filled with cannabis products with him every day, so he was like a mobile cannabis dispensary. Several decades have passed, and recently my old friend Ed died. In his will he wanted his ashes to be spread on the beaches of Las Angeles, because of our great memories there. When I took his ashes out to Los Angeles, I thought it was only fitting that I stop by a cannabis dispensary on the way to the beach. Unlike the old days, cannabis is legally available in Los Angeles now, and you can buy it almost anywhere. I rolled a big juicy joint with Purple Haze, which had been Ed’s favorite strain of cannabis, and drove him to the beaches of Los Angeles. I just sat on the sand, smoking cannabis, and reliving the great times I had with Ed.


Pot Dispensary Los Angeles CA

I won’t lie – I love Denver for the cannabis

I won’t lie, I moved to Denver because of cannabis.

This was many years ago, when Colorado became the first state to legalize weed.

I’m sure you remember that, it made national news at the time. Many politicians and law enforcement officials said it was the end of civilization as we knew it, and the start of a lawless era. Of course all those old fuddy-duddies were dead wrong. Legal cannabis was a financial and tourism boon for the entire state, and made the city of Denver a destination locale. The first time you visit the city of Denver you will notice how clean and brightly lit it is. Denver is a pretty place, surrounded by the most awesome vistas in the world, but it is also very safe. The reason for this is because of cannabis. The extra revenue generated by local cannabis provides a lot of extra tax money to the state and local government. In other words, cannabis sales provide a lot more money for the common good of Denver, allowing for more security, lights, and janitorial services. I may love the locally grown Denver cannabis, but I also love the fact that cannabis helps make this city so great! All of the doomsayers around the country who predicted “the beginning of the end” for Denver were wrong! Cannabis has helped Denver grow and expand, while keeping the crime rates low. I even got myself a job in a Denver cannabis dispensary, since that is why I moved here in the first place. Now I also receive a fat discount on all my cannabis products.


Pot Shop Denver Colorado

Seattle is an innovator in the cannabis industry

I like to travel the country, and the world.

I also like to smoke weed.

I have managed to combine my two great passions into an exciting career path. I don’t know if I will ever make any money, but I know for sure I will have a great time while I do it! Currently I have both a blog and a video channel on Youtube, but my goal is to get a cable TV show. Perhaps on Vice Channel, or even Travel Channel, if they ever relax their conservative views about cannabis use. I literally can’t do my travel show without cannabis, it is my gimmick, and the whole point of the show! Recently I took my program to the great city of Seattle, Washington, to see what they had to offer in terms of culture, sightseeing, and marijuana. Everyone knows that Seattle is one of the great American cities when it comes to the cultivation and advancement of cannabis. Seattle isn’t just a place that sells a lot of cannabis, it’s a hub of the industry in terms of creating exciting new strains and hybrids. Some of the finest cannabis scientists and botanists in the world live in Seattle, and serve as the backbone of innovation. Almost every self-respecting cannabis dispensary in Seattle has some kind of exclusive homegrown strain. I may have to settle down in Seattle so I can base my entire series around this amazing place. Seattle has a lot more it can teach me about cannabis, and I am here to learn everything I can.


Weed Dispensary Seattle WA

The Buffalo heating repair company offers 24 hour services

Last year, my wife and I had a problem with the furnace in the middle of the night.

We honestly didn’t know who to call, so we opened up the phone book and started looking for repair businesses.

My wife went on the internet too, and she found several different Buffalo heating repair services that offered 24-hour emergency services. Most of the telephone numbers were 1-800 numbers, so it was hard to tell if those advertisements were actually for heating repair companies that were in the Buffalo area or somewhere in the rest of the state of New york. My wife called a couple of the places and I called a couple too. Both of us found a different Buffalo heating repair company that offered 24-hour convenient services. We decided to go with the person that my wife was on the phone with because she was already talking directly to the repair technician. He was leaving the shop and wanted some information about the furnace and the problems. By the time the guy arrived, he had a pretty good idea of what was going on with the furnace and that made it much easier for him to evaluate and solve the problem. The Buffalo heating repair technician was very knowledgeable and much more awake than the two of us. The guy looked like he was used to being up in the middle of the night. He repaired one of the gas lines on the furnace and it only took about 40 or 50 minutes for the entire repair. Waiting for the Buffalo repairman took longer than the actual furnace repair.

Family lawyer Buffalo New York

Phoenix has several emergency service providers for heating and cooling

When we got back to our home, we were surprised by the cold and frigid atmosphere.

I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. The first time I saw the big city was when I went to college in Phoenix, arizona. Phoenix, Arizona was a lot different than the place where I grew up. Phoenix is one of the largest cities in the whole country. It’s one of only two state capitals that have a population higher than 1 million people. Phoenix has a lot of activities during the day and at night. There is something fun for everyone. I have discovered a lot of interesting and fun things to do in Phoenix. One thing that I like is to go to the observatory at night. When there are thousands of stars in the sky, it’s fun to look for the constellations that we know and recognize. The observatory is the perfect place to look at the stars. My girlfriend and I went to the observatory last weekend. There was a meteor shower and we were hoping to catch a glimpse of some of the flying objects. We didn’t see many flashes of light, but it was still fun to get out of the house and go somewhere different. When we got back to our home, we were surprised by the cold and frigid atmosphere. The heat pump did not come on while we were gone, but it definitely should have. I looked at the thermostat and the temperature inside of the house was a cold and brisk 60°, even though the temperature on the thermostat was set for 70°. Thankfully, the city of Phoenix has lots of emergency service providers for heating and cooling services. I contacted one of those companies and made an appointment with someone the same day.
hvac service Phoenix Arizona