Author: Paulina

Taking a cooking class

I am slowly clicking off the things on my bucket list. I always wanted to do stand up paddle boarding and I was thankful that Lee’s Summit legacy lake offered that. I rented the board and figured it out on my own. Since it was a lake, the water was so still and calm. It […]

Traffic was a nightmare on 95 all day

Interstate 95 runs all the way through Jacksonville from the north of the city to the south of the city. There is always traffic on the Interstate because of the constant construction. It seems like the city is always working on a project. They take a two-lane road and turn it into four lanes and […]

The Bethlehem HVAC business was thorough

Winter seems to come earlier and earlier every single year. It seems to get colder earlier and summer is getting shorter. Some years we have to run the furnace in September and that means that the furnace has to be ready for six long months of hard work. We frequently have snow still in March […]

This year the summer temps were crazy hot

I work in Phoenix, but I live just east of the city in tempe. Tempe is a suburb of Phoenix. We basically share the Phoenix Sky Harbor International airport. The two cities are very close to each other. I make more money working in Phoenix, but I pay cheaper real estate taxes living outside of […]

Dual fuel system works well

Due to the especially long and chilly winters in Orland Park, Illinois, a heating system is absolutely necessary. We rely on the heater for about two-thirds of the year. While centralized air conditioning isn’t vital, it’s certainly nice to have. I went quite a few years making do with window air conditioners and box fans. […]

A little flare at a Seattle cannabis farm

There was a small wire fence around the cannabis, in addition to I was considering if I should step over it when I heard a gunshot I was trying to create some killer pleased for my Youtube channel, in addition to almost got myself shot in the process! This is a silly story, even though […]

Most dispensaries have a first time buyer special

I got my medical marijuana card a couple of weeks ago, then i visited a marijuana shop close to me, however I wasn’t impressed with the selection. The medical marijuana shop had a couple of unusual types of edibles, however they did not have a immense selection of concentrates. I care about to vape marijuana […]