Snowstorm hit us bad

We recently got hit with a severe winter storm in Glenview Illinois.

It was crazy and it happened over Christmas.

My family was supposed to go out to my parents and visit with them. Instead we were stuck at home. What stunk is that our rural area meant that nobody was plowing the roads. We had power and the ice wasn’t too bad. The roads were just covered in feet of snow. So the family and I had to stay home. I will admit not traveling on Christmas day was wonderful. My kids actually got to spend time around our family tree and play with their gifts. I threw together a grilled cheese and tomato soup dinner. What was especially nice is that I had just gotten the heating system serviced. It worked so well and I wasn’t afraid at all of a repair. The furnace was powerful enough to keep the whole home warm. It is also gas powered. If there would have been a power outage, I would have been all set to still have heat in the house. That gave us a big peace of mind. After that experience, I would never rely on electric based heating again. Gas power is really the way to go. Our Christmas ended up being one of my favorites. It was easy to see my parents later in the week when the roads were clear. The kids were in a better mood to do that as well. How great is that? Everyone won that day.

ductless air conditioner Glenview IL