A clean filter and programmable thermostat can conserve energy

Although Winters in Phoenix are fairly mild and don’t last very long, many homeowners, including me, are always thinking of ways to save money on our energy bills.

  • And since we spend so much money to keep our homes cool due to the brutal heat in the Summer, it is nice to have some savings during the Winter months.

So, it’s great to find ways to conserve energy in the colder season in Phoenix. They include changing the air filter prior to the start of the Winter season. It might not sound like anything but it’s easier for a heat pump to circulate the air when the air filter is clean, which means it will take less energy to warm the home. Another way to conserve energy would be to adjust the setting on the thermostat. It is recommended to lower the thermostat by 10 or 15 degrees during the night. Or perhaps you may want to consider installing a programmable thermostat that will make the adjustments for you. I have a programmable thermostat in my home, and I can confirm that it does help to conserve energy. Believe it or not, but if you have a ceiling fan in your home, it can help to save you money in the colder months. Just reverse the blades on the fan and it will push the warmer air down into the room. You can then decrease the temperature on your thermostat without sacrificing any of your comfort. Of course, there are more ways to conserve and save money during the Winter in Phoenix, these are the ones that have worked the best for me.


A clean filter and programmable thermostat can conserve energy