Mounts Botanical Gardens

When my husband retired from teaching, we hadn’t planned on moving to the southeast.

We had lived in the Northwest our entire lives.

I’m not sure how the search managed to do it, but although we put down for one specific place in the Northwest, it brought up Royal Palm Beach, FL. It wasn’t even the beauty of that area, but when we saw the Mounts Botanical Gardens advertisement,we knew where we were going to live. We never had any children, so we didn’t need to answer to anyone about our decision. Three months later, we had found a nice home in Royal Palm Beach, FL, sold our home, and we were packed and ready to move. It was now late September, and I wondered if Mounts Botanical Gardens was open in the fall and winter. With it being Florida, I would think many school children would be taken there for field trips. When November arrived, the temperatures were still in the low eighties to mid seventies. In the Northwest, we would already have snow on the ground. We finally found our way to Mounts Botanical Gardens. It was near the airport and easy to find, but it boasted 20 acres of tropical oasis. We knew it would take us more than one trip to see everything. There were native plants,herbs, palms, roses, cactus, bromeliads, succulents, and so many more that we would have many trips back. Even if we only took, in 1 display garden a day, that’s 25 days we would have used for good purposes. We’re thinking about donating some time to the garden..

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