I am the only woman who works at our HVAC company in Saint Petersburg, FL

Even though there are more in addition to more women who are joining the heating in addition to cooling industry throughout the country, I am still the only one that works at our HVAC company here in St Petersburg, FL, when I first started working here, I thought that it was weird that I was going to be the only woman on the team, then however, over the years, it has become something of a joke.

All of the HVAC guys accept me as one of them, but it’s still a little bit different to be the only female HVAC specialist on the task; I really cherish residing in addition to working as an HVAC specialist down in Saint Petersburg, FL, but occasionally the guys give me a taxing time.

I know that it’s funny most of the time, but occasionally it gets on my nerves… Sometimes it’s like they know that I don’t know all of the same things that they do, but that’s just not true at all. After all, I got my HVAC certification the same exact way that they did. I took all of the same exact classes in addition to learned all of the same exact things. So whenever they start trying to explain things to me that I already know, I just stop in addition to look at them with this look on my face that lets them know that I am not stupid. I know most of the guys have gotten this look from me at one time or another. Whenever my friend and I get a new age hectic mission hired on at the company, I end up having to teach him a thing or two, though! I try to be patient because not everyone understands that a woman can be just as fantastic of an HVAC specialist as a man can.

quality HVAC in Saint Petersburg Florida