Humidifier added to our heater

In Minneapolis, Minnesota we run the heater as early as September and can keep it on as late as May.

Three months out of the year the heating system gets a break.

Since the furnace is operating at high capacity all the time, it dries out the indoor air. I hate when my hair is static filled, I have chapped lips, bloody noses, and irritated nasal passages. When I started seeing wood furniture crack and electronics have shorts, then I knew I needed to do something about it. I called my Minnesota heating dealership to ask about the indoor air quality. They recommended a humidifier to pair with my furnace. As the heating system operates the humidifier introduces moisture. I then don’t have those horrible dry sensations and risks anymore. Addin ga little moisture makes the air feel cleaner, fresher, and warmer. I was actually able to lower my thermostat now that the humidifier works in tandem with the furnace. Ever since then I have thought about the quality of my air. I have called the Minneapolis furnace business back to get an air purification plan. It is installed right in the return ducts and works to clean the air. No more dust, dirt, and smells in the air quality. I change its filter and give it regular service. So it was a pricey addition. I feel it is worthwhile. The cold weather means everyone is stuck indoors. We might as well have as good of air as we can get. These add ons were worth every penny spent in my opinion.

boiler installation in Minneapolis Minnesota